How to Integrate Google Shopping Product Ratings with Retenzy
you can seamlessly integrate your product reviews into Google Shopping and showcase your product ratings alongside your Google Shopping ads.
For more information about Google Shopping product ratings, please refer to Google’s official guide on product ratings.
To display product reviews in Google Shopping ads, there are specific guidelines that need to be followed, including:
A minimum of 50 product reviews.
Product reviews must be of high quality.
Reviews must not violate copyright, contain offensive content, or include personal information.
Ensure that your Google Merchant products include a valid global product identifier (GTIN or MPN + Brand).
Please note that Google will manually review your submission and can reject it at their discretion.
If you haven’t activated the ratings feed yet, and your product reviews meet the criteria outlined above, you can apply for Google Shopping product ratings as follows:
Log in to your Google Merchant account.
Fill out the Product Ratings Interest Form here.
Under "If you use a third-party service, which service do you use?", select "Other" and specify “Retenzy” in the provided text box.
You will receive an email from Google Merchant Center informing you that your aggregator does not yet have an approved partnership for the Product Ratings program.
Reply to this email, indicating that you will submit a direct product ratings feed to your Merchant Center.
For a full list of Google’s program policies, please check here.
Go to the Integration menu (Settings & Customization> Integrations) in your Retenzy dashboard and select the Google Shopping card click on connect button it will generate a URL.
Retenzy is currently awaiting approval as an approved third-party reviews aggregator. Once approved, the process of uploading reviews to Google Shopping will be even easier. In the meantime, you can still integrate your reviews using the product reviews feed.
Once logged in, click the "Fetch Products" button to retrieve your product listings from your Google Merchant account.
You can log out of your Google account by clicking the red icon located on the right-hand side.
On the integration display, you will see a list of your Shopify products on the left, and a menu of your Google products on the right. You can link or unlink products.
Manage Products:
Link products to Google Shopping.
Unlink or delete products as necessary.
Once you’ve finalized your configuration, copy the feed URL that you have generated in step 2. By default, all Shopify product reviews will be included in the Google Shopping feed.
Step 6: Submit Your Product Reviews Feed to Google Shopping
After Google has approved your application, you will see a "Product Reviews" section in your Google Merchant Center dashboard.
Go to the “Product Reviews” section.
Choose the following options for your product reviews feed:
Feed type: Product Reviews
Upload method: Scheduled Fetches.
Use the product reviews feed link as the location for your file.
If you experience any issues while integrating product reviews from Retenzy into Google Shopping, please contact our support center.